Lakes > Bodensee
The Bodensee is located on the northern edge of the Alps, where the borders of Germany, Austria and Switzerland come together. With an area of 539 square kilometres, it is the third-largest inland lake in Central Europe.
A particularly beautiful, 18-kilometre stretch of the shore in this ancient agricultural area belongs to Bavaria. In recent years a special effort has been made to preserve the countryside and keep the lake clean: it is also one of the largest drinking water reservoirs in the region. Historic towns such as Nonnenhorn, Wasserburg and Lindau with its town residences are among the attractions of this area. The Bodensee is also an ideal starting point for walks and mountain hikes in the nearby Allgäu, the Bregenzerwald in Austria and Appenzellerland in Switzerland.
General information on the lakes
(Moorings for boats/diving permissions)
From Kempten via the B308 to Lindau (southwestern part of the Bodensee)
Landing stage: Lindau
Car park on the "Hintere Insel"
Paths: Shore path round the island of Lindau (5 km); take the boat to Bregenz and the cable car to the top of the Pfänder (1064m) for a magnificent view of the lake; many walks from here
Landing stage: Lindau
Car park on the "Hintere Insel"
Bayer. Schlösserverwaltung/
Außenstelle Ammersee
Landsberger Straße 81
82266 Inning/Stegen
08143 9304-0
Fax 08143 9304-30
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