Service > Photography permits
Both indoor and outdoor photo shoots of the properties and objects of the Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung (Bavarian Palace Administration) are generally subject to permission and a fee. Please apply for (written) permission at least ten working days before the scheduled date of the photography. Photos for news reports and purely documentary purposes can usually be approved more quickly.
Here you will find information on
Photos for private use|Where to apply|Application
Permission and costs|Use of drones/multicopters
Please see also the detailed information. (show / hide)
Written permission must be obtained in advance for taking photographs in or around the buildings, gardens and lakes for which the Bavarian Palace Administration is responsible. To allow time for questions and any necessary further clarification, please apply for permission in writing at least ten working days before the scheduled date of photography, using our form. Photos for news reports and purely documentary purposes can usually be approved more quickly. Where permission is granted, the applicant will receive written confirmation together with a statement of the fee.
Permits are issued on condition that the cultural monuments are treated with care and respect and that the conservation requirements are strictly observed.
Permission will not be granted in the following cases:
Taking photos for private use (only with the usual hand-held cameras for private use and without light, tripod, selfie stick etc.) does not require a permit, and is allowed unless this conflicts with conservation or organizational requirements or trademark rights. However, we regret that in the palaces with continuous guided tours, photography for private purposes cannot usually be permitted for organizational reasons.
Please feel free to share any private photos taken under the above conditions on your personal (i.e. non-commercial) social media pages using the hashtag #schloesserbayern. Use of any private photo material for further purposes is expressly prohibited.
We regret that wedding shoots inside the buildings open to visitors are not possible. They are permitted in the gardens and parks, provided that the photos are only for private use. The publication of private photos in any form is strictly prohibited. The bridal couple may however share photos on social media, which is regarded as a private matter.
If as a photographer you would like to publish photos, e.g. on your Internet page, or use them for advertising purposes, you can apply for permission informally by sending us an e-mail, attaching the photos. There will however be a charge for this.
You don't have to announce the wedding shoot in advance. We would however ask you to observe the park regulations and be considerate of other visitors. Drone photos, entry in the bridal car and the use of softboxes, flash systems or other equipment are unfortunately not allowed.
The local administrative office is generally responsible for issuing photography permits
Permits for photography in several of the Bavarian Palace Administration’s properties are issued by the central administrative office in Munich:
Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung
Öffentlichkeitsarbeit / Referat ZL9
Schloss Nymphenburg, Eingang 16
80638 München
+49 89 17908-108 oder -162
Fax +49 89 17908-190
Please also note our range of event rooms, which you can also hire for photo shoots.
Permission should be requested at least ten working days before the scheduled shoot using our application form.
Photography permits are not issued for weekends (Saturday/Sunday).
Indoor photos are usually only permitted outside opening times (this applies particularly to Neuschwanstein Castle, Linderhof Palace and Herrenchiemsee Palace). Private photo shoots are not possible in the museum rooms.
Observation of special regulations for the protection of these historic properties are a legal condition of the permit.
Permission to shoot photos and to publish the images created is subject to a prior written agreement on an appropriate fee (reproduction permission). In individual cases, the agreement granting permission may be limited to the photographs. In addition to this fee, all supplementary costs arising from the photography and any loss of revenue must be reimbursed. These include, in particular, the cost of supervisory personnel, electricity and cleaning.
The fees are based on factors such as the prominence of the chosen motif (recognition effect, prominence of the property/object, etc.), the extent of technical and personnel requirements and the purpose for which the photos are to be used. Information about the possible charges can be obtained on request, but a final statement concerning the fee can only be issued after the application form has been received.
Prior approval is required for the taking of aerial photos of Bavarian Palace Administration property. This also applies when remote-controlled drones, multicopters or similar are used for filming or photography. Only in a few exceptional cases and only under certain conditions is photography with such flying apparatuses permitted. Their use involves an increased risk to persons and the listed property administered by the Bavarian Palace Administration and a possible infringement of rights, and has a detrimental effect on the cultural and natural monument in question. Approval will also only be granted if the use is compatible with the local protected area regulations and compliance with the public law provisions otherwise applicable.
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