Gardens > Feldafing Park and Rose Island

Feldafing Park
Feldafing Park, photo: Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung / Andrea Gruber

Feldafing Park and Rose Island Starnberger See

King Maximilian II of Bavaria enriched the existing Wittelsbach parks on the Starnberger See with two masterpieces of garden design: Feldafing Park (from 1850) and Rose Island, begun four years later.

On the former fishermen's island of Wörth, the garden...

The remains of prehistoric pile dwellings on the bottom of Lake Starnberg by Rose Island have been included on UNESCO’s World Cultural Heritage list.

Rose Island
Starnberger See


Rose blossom on Rose Island

Roses usually bloom in June for about four weeks. Depending on the climate the roses may bloom (even weeks) earlier or later.

Picture: Rose blossom

Open all year round

Admission free

from Munich to "Feldafing"

Ferry to Rose Island:

Ferry service from Feldafing Park to Rose Island (May to mid-October)
0151 28741905

Rose Island is open to the public; it is not allowed to bring dogs or bicycles to the island.

Service (leaflets, photo/film, links…)

Bayer. Schlösserverwaltung/
Außenstelle Starnberger See
Nepomukweg 4
82319 Starnberg
08151 550730-0
Fax 08151 550730-9
seeverwaltung. starnbergersee@

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