Gardens > Aschaffenburg > Schönbusch Park

Lower lake, view to the lookout
Lower lake, view to the lookout, photo: Christa Brand

Schönbusch Park – Aschaffenburg

Schönbusch Park is one of the earliest landscape gardens in South Germany. Originating as the electoral game park, it was transformed at the instigation of the Archbishop and Elector of Mainz, Friedrich Carl von Erthal, under the direction of minister of state Graf...

Schönbusch Palace

Park: open all year round

Park Visitors' Centre:
April-3 October: On Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays from 11 am-6 pm

For groups it is possible to book guided tours in English and French on the exhibition and the garden (telephone booking required).
Reservations: Tourist-Information or Führungsnetz Aschaffenburg
06021 395-801

Park and Park Visitors' Centre:
admission free


Bus to ‘Park Schönbusch’

Car park at the park entrance

Schloss- und Gartenverwaltung Aschaffenburg
Schloßplatz 4
63739 Aschaffenburg
06021 38657-0
Fax 06021 38657-16

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