Event rooms > Veitshöchheim Palace > Vestibule
Veitshöchheim Palace
Schloss- und Gartenverwaltung Würzburg
Residenzplatz 2, Tor B
97070 Würzburg
0931 35517-0
Fax 0931 35517-25
sgvwuerzburg@ bsv.bayern.de
Address: Echterstrasse 10, 97209 Veitshöchheim
Civil weddings (without event)
Registration for civil weddings only via:
Municipality of Veitshöchheim:
Gemeinde Veitshöchheim
telephone 0931 9802-6
30 persons
The total costs are charged by the municipality of Veitshöchheim.
For details please call the administration (see above: information/reservations).
No candles
Cannot be heated
81 square metres
15 May - 30 September;
events only outside museum opening hours (civil wedding only at Mondays)
Toilets, toilets for the disabled, cloakroom, side room
10 tables (70 x 140 cm), floor lamps
Please note that when a catering firm is engaged, it has to pay 10% of the catering charges to the palace.
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