Event rooms > Gasteiger's House > Farmhouse room
Mathias and Anna Sophie Gasteiger's House
Bayer. Schlösserverwaltung/
Außenstelle Ammersee
Landsberger Straße 81
82266 Inning/Stegen
08143 9304-0
Fax 08143 9304-30
seeverwaltung.ammersee@ bsv.bayern.de
Address: Eduard-Thöny-Straße 43, 86919 Holzhausen
Civil weddings, christenings
20 persons
Seating in rows: 16 persons
Fees (including a rent of 120 euros / from 1.1.2026: 130 euros) are charged by Utting Council.
Civil weddings only by:
Standesamt Utting
Eduard-Thöny-Straße 1
86919 Utting/Ammersee
tel 08806 9202-10 or -11
No candles
No events with catering
20 square metres
All year round; events only outside museum opening hours
Mathias and Anna Sophie Gasteiger's House
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